Ciclo: 35
Curriculum/Indirizzo: Storico

Tutor: Di GIovanni Matteo
Supervisor: Porro Pasquale


Progetto: The Medieval Debate on the Problem of "Minima Sensibilia"

11.2019 - Ongoing  - Ph.D. Student in History of Medieval Philosophy - FINO Consortium and École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE) Paris (Thesis co-supervisor: Prof. Christophe Grellard)

10.2021-03.2022 - International Scholar - KU Leuven, Institute of Philosophy (Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte) (supervisor: Prof. Russell Friedman)

07.2021 - Summer School "Methodology in the History of Philosophy" - Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Faculty of Philosophy (Director: Prof. Andrea Sangiacomo)

11.2020-06.2021 - Research Stay - École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE) Paris, Section des Sciences religieuses

08.2019 - Visiting Research Student - Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge

08.2018 - FUBiS (International Summer and Winter University) Diploma - Freie Universität Berlin - GPA 1.1/1

09.2017 - 02.2020 - Second Level Diploma in Human Sciences - Institute of Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia - 100/100 cum laude (Dissertation supervisor: Prof. Alfredo Tomasetta; Prof. Michele Di Francesco) - GPA 30/30

09.2017 - 09.2019 - Master of Arts in Philosophy - University of Pavia - 110/110 cum laude (Dissertation supervisors: Prof. Carla Casagrande; Prof. Gabriella Zuccolin) - GPA 30/30

09.2016 - 11.2017 - Master of Science in Philosophy of the Social Sciences - London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) - Distinction (Dissertation supervisor: Prof. Jason McKenzie Alexander) - GPA >70/100

09.2015 - 01.2016 - Erasmus+ exchange at the Université Catholique de Louvain - GPA >18/20

09.2013 - 07.2016 - Bachelor of Arts in Political Sciences - LUISS "Guido Carli" University of Rome - 110/110 cum laude (Dissertation supervisor: Prof. Albertina Oliverio) - GPA >29/30


Articles accepted for Publication:

R. Zambiasi, “The Role of Thomism in Herbert McCabe’s Eucharistic Theology”, Divus Thomas, special monographic issue on Herbert McCabe (forthcoming 2022)

R. Zambiasi, “I commenti latini al De sensu et sensato di Aristotele (XIIIXV secolo): Status quaestionis e prospettive per un inventario”, Aristotelica I (forthcoming 2021/2022)

R. Zambiasi, “L’analogia dantesca tra ‘Filosofia’ e ‘Amicizia’: note in margine a Convivio III, xi”, Doctor Virtualis 18, special issue for the 20th anniversary of the journal (20022022), “Analogia e Medioevo sivevent’anni di analogie” (forthcoming 2022/2023)

R. Zambiasi “The Sense of Smell in Some FourteenthCentury Commentaries on De Sensu et sensato. An Itinerary from John Buridan to Marsilius of Inghen”, Micrologus (journal), special issue with the proceedings of the conference “Aristotle’s De Sensu in the Latin Tradition (11501650)” (forthcoming 2022/2023)

Book reviews: 

R. Imbach, Minima Mediaevalia. Saggi di filosofia medievale (Flumen sapientiae. Studi sul pensiero medievale 10), Roma, Aracne, 2019, Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 28 (forthcoming 2022).

E. Bloch, La Lutte, pas la guerre. Écrits pacifistes radicaux (1918), édité et traduit de l’allemand par Lucien Pelletier, Paris, Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, coll. « Bibliothèque allemande. Série Philia », 2018, Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger 146 (3), 2021, pp. 420421.

Bessone, M. (ed.) (2018). Méthodes en philosophie politique, Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, in Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger 2020/2, pp. 259-261.

Bras, G. (2018). Les Voies du peuple. Éléments d’une histoire conceptuelle, Paris: Éditions Amsterdam, in Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger 2020/2, pp. 261-262.

Trouillas, P. (2017). Du sang sur les idées, Paris: Hermann, in Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger 2019/3, pp. 392-393.

Roman, S. (2017). Nous, Machiavel et la démocratie, Paris: CNRS Éditions, in Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger 2019/2, pp. 219-220.

Berns, T.; Lafosse, J. (eds.) (2017). Guerre juste et droit des gens moderne, Bruxelles: Éditions de l’université de Bruxelles, in Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger 2019/2, pp. 211-212.

Deleule, D. (2016). Regards sur le travail. Robinson, Pénélope et autres mythes, Toulouse: UPPR Éditions, in Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger 2018/2, pp. 302-303.

Gauchet, M. (2017). L’Avènement de la démocratie IV. Le Nouveau monde, Paris: Gallimard, in Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger 2018/1, pp. 123-124.

Althusser, L.; Goshgarian, G. M. (a cura di) (2016). Les Vaches noires. Interview imaginaire, Paris: Presses universitaires de France, in Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger 2017/4, pp. 585-586.

Iogna-Prat, D. (2016). Cité de Dieu, cité des hommes. L’Église et l’architecture de la société (1200-1500), Paris: Presses universitaires de France, in Revue philosophique de  la France et de l’étranger 2017/1, pp. 121-122.

Counet, J.-M. (eds.) (2015). La Citoyenneté. Actes du XXXIV Congrès de l’Association des sociétés de philosophie de langue française (ASPLF), Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters, in Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger 2017/1, pp. 117-118.

Wald Lasowski, A. (2016). Althusser et nous, Paris: Presses universitaires de France, in Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger 2017/1, p. 98.

Conference reports:

Maiello, E.; Zambiasi, R. (2019). Cronaca di convegno - Severino Boezio: la filosofia tra religione e poesia: Pavia, 9 aprile 2019, Bollettino di studi latini 49 (2), pp. 723-726.

Co-edited journal issues:

Rerum Causae. Student Journal of Philosophy, Vol. IX - Issues I-II (2017), Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method - London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).


Conference presentations: 

09.2021 - International Conference “Aristotle’s De sensu in the Latin Tradition (1150-1650)” (University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy, and KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium)

Presentation title: "The Sense of Smell in Some Fourteenth-Century Commentaries on De Sensu et sensato. An Itinerary from John Buridan to Marsilius of Inghen"

09.2021 - XXX Convegno nazionale dei dottorati di ricerca in Filosofia (Fondazione Collegio San Carlo, Modena, Italy)

Presentation title: “Qui tollit operationem, tollit essentiam. Un argomento averroista nel commento al De sensu et sensato di Giovanni di Jandun”

09.2021 - 8th International Congress of Sociedad de Filosofía Medieval (SOFIME) (Faculdade de Letras, Universidade do Porto, Portugal)

Presentation title: “The Esse Similitudinale of Species in Roger Bacon’s Liber de sensu et sensato” 

07.2021 - Summer School “Methodology in the History of Philosophy” (Faculty of Philosophy, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands)

Presentation title: “How to Study Scholastic Aristotelian Natural Philosophy: The Case of Minima Sensibilia” 

04.2021 - Laboratorio di Filologia Filosofica (Università del Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli, Italy)

Presentation title: “Ubi desinit physicus, ibi medicus incipit: dal XIII secolo a Pomponazzi” (together with Leonardo Graciotti)

09.2020 - International Conference "Essence and Existence in the 13th and 14th Centuries" (De Wulf-Mansion Centre, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium)

Presentation title: "Insensibilia propter Parvitatem: A Debate on the Relationship between the Essence and the Existence of Sensible Qualities in the 13th and 14th Centuries"

03.2020 (Postponed - New date TBD) - International Seminar "Augustine and Phenomenology" (Almo Collegio Borromeo, Pavia, Italy)

Presentation title: "Temporal Attitudes and Self-Knowledge in Augustine and Husserl: A Reappraisal"

09.2019 - IV FINO Graduate Conference in the History of Philosophy (FINO Consortium, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy)

Presentation title: “The Sense of Smell in Thomas Aquinas’ Commentaries on Aristotle’s De Anima and De Sensu et sensato

06.2017 - Triennial International Conference of the Italian Society for Logic and the Philosophy of Science 2017 (University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy)

Presentation title: “The Copernican Creative Shift and the Keplerian Revolution”

Didactic experience: 

11.2020 - Guest lecturer within the introductory course in History of Medieval Philosophy (Supervisor: Prof. Carla Casagrande) - University of Pavia; Title of the lecture: "The Reception of Aristotle’s Natural Philosophy in the Latin Middle Ages”

12.2019 - Guest lecturer within the advanced course in History of Medieval Philosophy (Supervisor: Prof. Carla Casagrande) - University of Pavia; Title of the lecture: "The External Senses in the Human Cognitive Process according to Thomas Aquinas"

10.2018 - 05.2019 - Academic tutor in German language (Supervisor: Prof. Alexandra Berndt) - University of Pavia

Institutional affiliations: 

Since 11.2020 - Roger Bacon Research Society; Member

Since 01.2018 - MENSA - The High IQ Society; Member

Since 03.2016 - Centre for the Study of Philosophy, Politics and Religion (Cambridge); Junior Associate

Language skills:

English - C2 (IELTS 8.0)

French - C1 

Spanish - C1

German - B2 (Goethe Zertifikat B2)

Arabic - A1


Annual Activity Report (1st year):

Annual Activity Report (2nd year):

Annual Activity Report (3rd year):