Each of the four curricula brings together research programs developed by scholars in the Board of Teachers. The following information provides only a general indication of the main topics and is meant to leave open the possibility of new lines of research if coherent with the fields of expertise of people working in FINO.
(1) Mind, Science and Language:Â
Topics in the philosophy of Language and Mind, Philosophy of Logic and Philosophy of Physics, Epistemology and Philosophy of Sciences, Causality, Perception and Cognition, Cognitive Sciences, Analytic ontology and metaphysics, Contextualism and Relativism, the philosophy of Frege and Wittgenstein.
The curriculum, fostering mainly but not exclusively the analytic tradition in philosophy, brings together reseachers who currently collaborate with the Italian and European Society for Analytic Philosophy, and the Research Centers Logic Language and Cognition in Torino, Eidos in Geneva, Gecos in Genova, Logos in Barcelona, and Jean Nicod in Paris. The curriculum emphasizes the importance of mastering logic as a tool for linguistic and metaphysical analysis.
(2) Ethics and Political Philosophy:
Metaethics, Substantive and Applied Ethics, History of Ethics, Bioethics, Philosophical Anthropology, Political philosophy, Theories of justice, Democratic Theory and History of Political Thought.
The curriculum brings together researchers who are associated with the Italian and the European Society of Analytic Philosophy, with the Aretai Centre of research in Genova, and with the tradition of Graduate conferences on Political Philosophy and in Ethics and Epistemology in Pavia, as well as with research centres on legal studies, on problems of choice and Game theory, and on emotive aspects of political and economic choice.
(3) History of Philosophy and Science:
History of Medieval, Modern and Contemporary Philosophy, Philosophy of the Enlightenment, German Philosophy, Relations between history of philosophy and history of scientific thought; History of Medicine.
The curriculum is traditionally linked to the Annual Graduate Conference in the History of Philosophy supported by Collegio Giasone del Maino in Pavia, and to research Centers such as Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento in Florence and the European Society for Early Modern Philosophy.
(4) Theoretical Philosophy: Phenomenology, Ontology and Hermeneutics
Aesthetics, Hermeneutics, Social Ontology, Collective Intentionality, Phenomenology, Philosophy of Arts and the New Media, Theories of perception, imagination and emotion.
The curriculum brings together researchers who collaborate with a number of Research Centres such as Labont (Social Ontology) in Torino and the Research Centre on Religions Sciences at the University of Genoa, and is promotes research projects not exclusively linked to Continental Philosophy, with particular concern for the philosophies of  Nietzsche, Heidegger, Husserl, Derrida, Bloch, and Merleau Ponty.