Ciclo: 36
Curriculum/Indirizzo: Epistemologico
Sede: UPO
Convenzione: CSP

Tutor: Meini Cristina
Supervisor: Piazza Tommaso


Progetto: Assertion: the cognitive significance of a speech act

- Areas of Competence: epistemology; philosophy of language; ethics

-Areas of Expertise: linguistic pragmatics; epistemic norms; philosophy of norms 

- Research Goal: My thesis deals with defining the speech-act of assertion. While it is generally agreed that a significant component of act of asserting involves the producion of certain social effects (commitments), it has been noticed that the act of presenting a proposition as true, which is characteristic of asserting, is irreducibly non-social (Pagin 2004, Marsili & Green 2023). In my dissertation I argue that the notion of presenting-as-true is best understood by looking at the Fregean notion of sense (Sinn) understood as a procedure to calculate the truth-value of a sentence. Moreover, I argue that Frege's act of judging, so understood, clearly presupposes an inquisitive state of interest for truth. This leads to the ultimate conclusion that an essential aspect of assertion is to produce said inquisitive state in the audience regarding the relevant proposition. Assertion can be therefore considered a tool to direct the focus of one's congitive effort. The final part of the dissertation outlines how this view on assertion can shed new lights on the ethical and epistemological issues with disinformation and fake-news. 


February 2023-June 2023: Visiting Pre-Doctoral Fellow at Universidad de Barcelona, LOGOS Research Group. Research conducted under the supervision of Neri Marsili and presented at the LOGOS seminar. 

February 2023: Speaker and Organizer at the workshop "Disinformazione e Cambiamento Climatico", University of Pavia (part of the University 4 EU initiative). Talk: "Skepticism on climate change as a tool of political delegitimazion". 

December 2022: Speaker at the University of Pavia analytic philosophy seminar. Talk: "Dialectical Obstructionism. A New Perspective on Propaganda and Public Debate". 

October 2021-June 2022: Visiting Pre-Doctoral Fellow at Northwestern University (IL, USA). under the supervision of Sanford Goldberg. 

February 2022: Commentator (APA Central Meeting) on Yarran Hominh "Hermenutical Knowledge and Social Injustice"

- Education: 

2018-2020: Master of Arts in Philosophy, University of Pavia. Final thesis "Constitutive Norms of Assertion. An Alternative to Williamson's Proposal",110/110 cum Laude. Supervised by prof. Tommaso Piazza, prof. Luca Fonnesu. 

2018-2020: Master of Arts in Humanities, IUSS (School of Advanced Studies), Pavia. Final thesis "Can Abstraction Expand our Knowledge? Assessing the Epistemology of Analysis from Kant to Wright",Valuation: Excellent. supervised by prof. Andrea Sereni. 

2015-2018: Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, University of Pavia. Final thesis "Vizi e virtù intellettuali. Prospettive tra epistemologia e morale", 110/110 cum Laude. Supervised by prof. Tommaso Piazza, prof. Luca Fonnesu 

2017-2018: Erasmus study, University of Warwick (UK)

- Grants and Scholarships 

2021-2022- Fondazione Enea Mattei Scholarship. Scholarship for post-graduate students, financing my period as a visiting student in the US. 

2018-2020: IUSS (School of Advanced Studies, Pavia) Scholarship. Awarded yearly to a selected number of students at the University of Pavia, under condition of passing additional exams with a 28/30 GPA. 

2015-2020: Fondazione Enea Mattei (Morbegno) Scholarship. The private foundation pays Ghislieri college (Pavia) full-fees to students who satisfy the requirements of 27/30 GPA, all exams grades above 24/30, all exams passed before the ending of the academic year.

2017-2018: Erasmus study (research) grant: EU funded research at the University of Warwick (UK) with the purpose of research for the BA thesis. 

