Ciclo: 36
Curriculum/Indirizzo: Etico-Politico
Convenzione: MIUR

Tutor: Carter Ian
Supervisor: Carter Ian


Progetto: On Human Beings as Meaningful Equals


Name Valérie G. Topf

University University of Pavia

Name of Tutor Prof. Ian Carter

Cycle 36


Suggested name of the Supervisor (IF different from the tutor)(for 1st year students)



(A) Didactics


  1. List of institutional or curricular courses


- FINO: Common Core Seminar


- Ethics and Politics Curriculum: Work in Progress Seminar

- Ethics and Politics Curriculum: Between Ethics and Epistemology Course

- Ethics and Politics Curriculum: Being Realistic and Demanding the Impossible Course

- Ethics and Politics Curriculum: Kant's Thesis of the 'Fact of Reason’ Course


2) List of working papers written in those occasions


  • Paper 1 (Common Core Requirement)
  • Paper 2 (Ethics and Politics Curriculum Requirement)


3) List of other courses you have followed





(B) Research and diffusion


  1. List of seminars and conferences you have participated in


  • Conference (IUSS Philosophy Seminars): "Phenomenology and Representation”
  • Conference (Philosophy and Politics Seminars): "Basic Equality, Entitlement-grounding Equality, and Distributive Equality: How Are They Related?”
  • Conference: “Human Rights and Equality”


  • Graduate Student Conference (University of Pavia): Ethics & Politics


2) List of talks (in some of the above-mentioned conferences)





3) List of published or submitted papers






(C) Project of the dissertation


1) Update of the planning of your research program


I have now divided my thesis into four overall parts:

Part I: What are human beings?

Part II: Are human beings equals?

Part III: Are human beings meaningful equals?

Part IV: What are the implications hereof?

At present, I have a rough draft of Part I and am in the midst of writing a rough draft of Part II. I am aiming to speed up my progress in Year 2 of the PhD, and I am confident that I am on track to meeting my deadlines.