(update 2020 * please check with your tutors or administrative offices – the bureaucracy is always changing ;-))
There are two basic ways of being reimbursed for travelling either in Italy or abroad (for academic reasons, as following a seminar or participating in a conference or spending a period abroad):
– Using the 10%, that is the amount given to every student (either with or without a scholarship), mandatory form the second year of the Doctorate (called 10%, because it corresponds to 10% of the total amount of a scholarship). You have to ask for “Missione” and use your money and be reimbursed with the evidence of the travel (tickets, and bills). Ask the offices of the Department connected to FINO.
– Increase in the scholarship (if you have one). To have the increase of the scholarship you have to ask to the University that provides your scholarship and have a letter of authorisation written by the Coordinator of the Doctorate. The relevant offices are the office of the Doctorate of each University.
Some details:
What are called “missioni” pass through  the offices of the Departments of each University connected with the doctorate and are authorised locally
– by the responsible of the 10% funds  (Torino: Paola Rumore, Genova: Valeria Ottonelli)
– by tutors (Pavia)
– by the coordinator (UPO)
Among these Universities  Genoa has an online procedure for the 10%. Elsewhere you have to send the request to the offices of the  Department with a printed form.
The request must always be given some time in advance and need the authorisation of the Coordinator, which is given in different forms, depending on the University you are attached to. The request has to be given to the central offices of the Doctorate of each University (not to the Department):
you have an online form and the coordinator has to click to authorise.
1. Take the form at <> a the menu “informazione dottorandi”
2. Ask the authorisation of the Coordinator (decreto d’urgenza (*)) giving the relevant data
3. Send the form with the authorisation of the coordinator to the offices of the Doctorate.
(*) The authorisation will be written in the report of the Doctorate Committee.
Send the request to the coordinator, who will send it to the offices.
Each University has its own procedures for givign the increase of the scholarship for periods abroad. However all share the same structure:
Basically, you need to have
(1) the exact dates of the period of staying abroad;
(2) a letter of invitation from the host institution with the same dates;
(3) an approval from the coordinator of the doctorate;
(4) an email confirming your arrival.
(5) At the end of the period abroad, you need to have a signed letter confirming the date of leaving.
Some documents (in Italian) below:
- Â UNIGE- detailed procedure for the increment of scholarship (in Italian).
- Â UNIGE-detailed procedure for 10% at Univ. Genoa (in Italian)
- Â General Page on the Doctorate
- Â Link to the procedure for the increase of the scholaship for going abroad
- link to the system of reimbursement of the expenses when going out of Torino (Rimborsi di Missione)Â
You don’t need a formal co-tutorship to study abroad; often an agreement with a teacher or paying the fees of the foreign University is enough to spend a period of research abroad (a good doctoral degree in Europe is enough to participate to post-PhD scholarships: what counts are publications and curriculum). However, the occasion to have institutional agreement among Universities in Europe may help the diffusion of new methods and exchanges in teaching and learning. A co-tutorship with a University abroad requires a procedure to be organised by the administrative University  (Turin for cycles 29-32, Genoa for cycles 33-35) in the first year of the doctorate.
- basic info (in Italian)
- financial aid for PhD co-tutorship with German Universities
- information for PhD co-tutorship with French Universities