Ciclo: 33
Curriculum/Indirizzo: Epistemologico
Convenzione: ERC
Tutor: Crupi Vincenzo
Supervisor: Sprenger Jan
Supervisor ALT: Leonie van Grootel
Progetto: Methodology and Scientists (supervisor: Prof.Dr. J.M. Sprenger)
2013 – 2014 MA, Arts and Culture Studies (cum Laude) Department of Arts and Culture Studies Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication ,Erasmus University Rotterdam (Thesis grade: 8,5 GPA: 8.5, cum laude)
2012 – 2014 Pre-Masters, Arts and Culture Studies Department of Arts and Culture Studies Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication Erasmus University Rotterdam (Thesis grade: 8,5 GPA: 8.5)
2007 – 2011 BFA, Fine Arts Department of Fine Arts Willem de Kooning Academie Hogeschool Rotterdam (Thesis grade: 9 GPA: 8,0)
2000 – 2005 VWO, Natuur & Gezondheid (Secondary School Degree) Rudolf Steiner College, Rotterdam
Individual (graduate) courses 2018
- Theory of Argumentation. FINO lecture series on a general introduction to different aspects of argumentation theory (Genoa, February-March 2018).
- Rolling Seminar. FINO lecture series. The series was on methods in philosophy viewed from different perspectives (Genoa, February-March 2018).
- Logic. FINO graduate Level Class on Logic by Andrea Iacona (Turin, February-March 2018).
- Logic & Language. Master course of the Philosophy International Curriculum of the University of Turin (Turin, February-March 2018).
- Summer School on Logic, Uncertainty, and Games. A five-day summer school on how logic can contribute to game theory and decision-making under uncertainty (Como, July 2018).
- R Programming. A four-week MOOC offered by Jons Hopkins University via Coursera (September-October 2018).
Individual (graduate) courses 2017
- Applied Bayesian Statistics}. a five-day summer school course on theory and practice of Bayesian Statistics (Utrecht, April 2017).
- Achieving Your Goals and Performing more successfully in your PhD. A four-day course on goal setting/achieving, time-management, communication, work evaluation, and other relevant related skills (Tilburg, May 2017).
- Data Management. A one-day course on how to manage your data; available data-management utilities and services; and the rules and regulations for storing and sharing data (Tilburg, May 2017).
- Esslli 2017. Two week European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (Toulouse, July 2017).
- Improving Your Statistical Inferences. A seven-week online course on various ways of inference in the different statistical paradigms (August-September 2017).
- Meta Research. A three-day course on theory and practice of systematic reviews, meta-analyses, meta-science, and research evaluation (Edinburgh, September 2017).
- Precalculus. An online course offered by the Arizona State University on the principles of calculus (August-October 2017).
Individual (graduate) courses 2016
- Multilevel structural equation modeling. A four-day course on advanced structural equation modelling in R (Rotterdam, April 2016).
- Big Data and R. A four-day course on how the collect manage and analyse Big Data in R (Rotterdam, June, 2016).
Individual (graduate) courses 2015
- Probability Theory. A ten-week online course offered by MIT on the principles of probability theory (January-March 2015).
- Statistics and R. A seven-week online course offered by Harvard on statistical analyses in R (February-April 2015).
- Bayesian statistics and JASP. A one-day course on Bayesian statistics (Utrecht, September 2015).
- Cova, F., Strickland, B., Abatista, A., Allard, A., Andow, J., Attie, M., ... & Cushman, F. (2018). Estimating the reproducibility of experimental philosophy. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 1-36.
- van Dongen, N. N., & Zijlmans, J. (2017). The science of art: the universality of the law of contrast. American Journal of Psychology, 130(3), 283-294.
- Dijkstra, K., & van Dongen, N. N. (2017). Moderate contrast in the evaluation of paintings is liked more but remembered less than high contrast. Frontiers in Psychology, 8.
- Van Dongen, N. N., Van Strien, J. W., & Dijkstra, K. (2016). Implicit emotion regulation in the context of viewing artworks: ERP evidence in response to pleasant and unpleasant pictures. Brain and cognition, 107, 48-54.
- Van Dongen, N.N.N., Colombo, M., Romero, F., \& Sprenger, J.M. (2018, September). Semantic Intuitions: a Meta-Analysis, Philosophical Perspectives. The 13th conference of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy, Novara.
- Sikorski, M. \& Van Dongen, N.N.N. (2018, September). How to reason about Objectivity, FINO Graduate Conference in Mind, Language and Science 2018, Vercelli.
- Sikorski, M. \& Van Dongen, N.N.N. (2018, August). How to reason about Objectivity, Formal Philosophy Workshop, Gdańsk.
- Van Dongen, N.N.N., Colombo, M., Romero, F., and Sprenger, J. (2018, May). Semantic Intuitions: a Meta-Analysis, UK X-Phi conference: We Are Open, London.
- Van Dongen, N.N.N., Sikorski M., and Sprenger, J.M. (2018, June). Causal Strength, Tendency Causal Claims, and Indicative Conditionals, UK X-Phi conference: We Are Open, London.
- Van Dongen, N.N.N., Colombo, M., Romero, C.F., and Sprenger, J. (2018, June). Semantic Intuitions: a Meta-Analysis, MuST conference: Models of Explanation , Turin.
- Van Dongen, N.N.N., Colombo, M., Romero, F., and Sprenger, J. (2018, May). Semantic Intuitions: a Meta-Analysis, Science & More Talks, Turin.
- Van Dongen, N.N.N. (2017, November). P Addiction, OZSW Annual Conference, Doorn.
- Van Dongen, N.N.N. (2017, October). P Addiction, RANT, Nijmegen.
- Van Dongen, N.N.N., and Wagenmakers, E-J. (2017, September). Statistician Testing. Perspectives on Scientific Error, Tilburg.
- Van Dongen, N.N.N., Sikorski M., and Sprenger, J.M. (2017, June). Causal Strength, Tendency Causal Claims, and Indicative Conditionals, Causation, Explanation, Conditionals, Tutzing
- Van Dongen, N.N.N., Van Strien, J.W., and Dijkstra, K. (2016, September). Implicit emotion regulation in thecontext of viewing fictitious images: ERP evidence in response to pleasant and unpleasant pictures. Presented at the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Annual Conference, Vienna.
- Van Strien, J.W., Van Dongen, N.N.N., and Dijkstra, K. (2016, April). Implicit emotion regulation in the context of viewing artworks: ERP evidence in response to pleasant and unpleasant pictures. Presented at the Social and Affective Neuroscience Society Annual Conference, New York.
Work in progress:
- Multiple Perspectives on Inference for Two Simple Statistics Scenarios with Johnny van Doorn, Quinten Gronau, Don van RavenZwaaij, Rink Hoekstra, Matthias Haucke, Daniel Lakens, Christian Hennig, Richard Morey, Saskia Homer, Andrew Gelman, Jan Sprenger and Eric-Jan Wagenmakers. When data analysts operate within different statistical frameworks (e.g., frequentist versus Bayesian, emphasis on estimation versus emphasis on testing), how does this impact the qualitative conclusions that are drawn for real data? To study this question empirically we selected from the literature two simple scenarios –involving a comparison of two proportions and a Pearson correlation– and asked four teams of statisticians to provide A) a concise analysis and a qualitative interpretation of the outcome and B) discuss their and each others results.
Systematic Review on NHST criticism with Leonie van Grootel. The null hypothesis significance test (NHST) procedure is used ubiquitously for analyzing experimental and observation data in the social science. However, since its infancy it has been criticized for it deficiencies and (its ease for) misuse by scientists. The body of literature on NHST criticism has been steadily growing over the years, which accelerated when talk of a ‘replication crisis’ started in the social sciences. All though, many articles have been published on the subject, a clear overview of NHST’s deficiencies, misinterpretations, and misuses is absent and we hope to correct this via a systematic review.
Semantic Intuitions – a meta-analysis with Matteo Colombo, Felipe Romero, and Jan Sprenger. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, experimental philosophy started to contribute to the debate on theories of reference through Machery, Mallon, Nichols, and Stich’s seminal article Semantics, cross-cultural style (\citeyear{machery2004semantics}) Their empirical results indicated a difference in semantic intuitions between Western and East Asian people. While these results have raised several questions about the evidential support of philosophical theories of the semantics of proper names, they have more generally contributed to challenge the use of intuitions in philosophy. However, our attempt to replicate these results failed. As part of the X-phi replication project \cite[][]{cova2018estimating}, we tried to replicated the original results in a high-powered study using a a similar design. Our failed replications was considered a curiosity, because the authors of the original study claimed that the effect had been replicated on many occasions. Therefore, we decided to perform a meta-analysis on all available research on semantic intuitions to obtain a better understanding of the robustness of Machery et al’s (\citeyear{machery2004semantics}) finding, and, more generally, of cross-cultural differences in semantic intuitions.
Objectivity: a new and practical definition with Michal Sikorski. Currently, none of the philosophical definitions of 'objectivity' can be put into practice by scientists. Using a via-negative approach combined with empirical considerations, we develop a definition of 'objectivity' that theoretically sound and practicable by individual scientists.