dal 31 Marzo 2021 al 10 Settembre 2021.


10 September 2021: submission of the annual activity report (FINO-REPORT) that needs to specify whether the dissertation is ready to be sent to the evaluators (the relation should be uploaded on the “bacheca” in your FINO web page).


10 September 2021: PhD candidates should send the outline of their dissertation, a relevant chapter, and the annual activity report (FINO-REPORT) to the coordinator of their curriculum (and upload it in the “bacheca” in their FINO web page).

September/October 2021 colloquia to be admitted in the third year.


24 May 2021: Submission of June paper to the coordinator of FINO.

Discussion of June paper (5 & 6 July 2021). Details will be shortly provided.

10 September: annual activity report submitted to the tutor, the coordinator of their curriculum and the coordinator of FINO (and upload on the “bacheca” in their FINO web page). The report needs to include suggestions regarding potential supervisor (if different from 1st year tutor). See the form: FINO-REPORT.