dal 30 Marzo 2020 al 11 Maggio 2020. , VERCELLI - Department of Humanities - via Galileo Ferraris 2 - Room: Beretta 2
Categoria: Curriculum Ethics

University of Piemonte Orientale – FINO PhD program

Curriclum Ethics & Politics

Work in progress Seminar 2020

During the seminar, second-year and third-year PhD students will present a thesis’ draft chapter/material. The other PhD students are expected to participate but not required to give a presentation.

Respondent: Federico Zuolo (federico.zuolo@unige.it)

Please note that, in accordance with the Italian Government’s decrees to contain the COVID-19 pandemia, academic lectures and seminars are only allowed in the online mode. Thus, this seminar will take place online.



  • 11:00: Ghelli: “Life is Overrated: On Darwin’s Ultimate Materialism”
  • 14:00: Camboni: “Solidarity as a highly anthropologically-laden concept”


  • 11:00: Bláhová: “Pluralism and Diversity: For the Sake of Equal Respect
  • 14:00: Santi Amantini: “What is owed to forced migrants? A harms-based approach”


  • 11:00: Umbrello: “Towards a Value Sensitive Design Framework for Attaining Meaningful Human Control of Autonomous Weapons System”
  • 14:00: Lombard: “Transhumanism and eugenics: on technological evolutionism”


  • 11:00: Cecchini: “Is moral perception defensible?”

Download the calendar in PDF