Categoria: Curriculum History
Manifesto- Congress on Women in Easly Philosophy of Science.pdf
may 11, 2017 (MORNING)
Aula Magna – Sala Cripta via G. Ferraris 116, Vercelli
h. 9.30 opening addresses
h. 10.00 Marguerite Deslauriers (McGill University, Montreal)
Doubt and Scepticism in Renaissance Pro-Woman Arguments
h. 10.30 Simonetta Bassi (UniversitĂ di Pisa)
“Mi disse che gli piacevano assai le donne, et che non havea arivato
ancora al numero di quelle de Salomone”. Giordano Bruno and Women
h. 11.00 discussion
h. 11.30 break
h. 11.45 Letizia Panizza (Royal Holloway, London)
Why Should Wives Be Blamed for Adultery More than Men? Arcangela
Tarabotti and Giuseppe Passi
h. 12.15 Annalisa Ceron (UniversitĂ di Milano)
Models of Female Friendship in Early Modern and Modern Age
h. 12.45 discussion
h. 13.15 buffet – Atrio del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
may 11, 2017(AFTERNOON)
Aula Magna – Sala Cripta via G. Ferraris 116, Vercelli
h. 14.30 Sandra Plastina (UniversitĂ della Calabria)
Letters on Natural Philosophy and New Science: Camilla Erculiani
(Padua 1584) and Margherita Sarrocchi (Rome 1612)
h. 15.00 Sarah Hutton (University of York)
The Platonism of Anne Conway
h. 15.30 discussion
h. 16.00 break
h. 16.15 Carlotta Cossutta (UniversitĂ del Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli)
Margaret Cavendish: Science and Women’s Power through The Blazing
h. 16.45 Marie- Frédérique Pellegrin (Université Lyon 3)
Women Philosophers : Myth or Reality in Poulain de La Barre
h. 17.15 discussion
h. 18.15 Sandra Plastina
Presentation of the new series “I Palinsesti di Diotima. Filosofe e
letterate dall’Umanesimo al Settecento”
h. 20.00 dinner
Salone Dugentesco via G. Ferraris 105, Vercelli
h. 9.30 Sabrina Ebbersmeyer (Copenhagen University)
Princesse Elisabeth’s Scientific Interests
h. 10.00 Inger Leemans (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam)
The Outspoken Mistress. The Science of Sex in the Dutch Radical
Enlightenment 1670-1720
h. 10.30 discussion
h. 11.00 break
h. 11.15 S. A. Lloyd (University of Southern California, Los Angeles)
How Natural Equality Becomes Sexual Subordination in the Theories of
Hobbes and Rawls
h. 12.00 discussion
h. 12.30 Ruth Hagengruber
Presentation of the Center History of Women Philosophers and Scientists
HWPS (Paderborn University)
h. 13.00 buffet – Foyer del Salone Dugentesco
may 12, 2017(AFTERNOON)
Piccolo Studio – Chiostro Sant’Andrea via G. Ferraris 116, Vercelli
h. 14.30 Ruth Hagengruber (Paderborn University)
Matter Movement and Activity. Emilie du Châtelet on Thinking Matter
and Living Forces
h. 15.00 Martina Reuter (University of Jyväskylä)
J.-J. Rousseau and Mary Wollstonecraft on Gender and Knowledge
h. 15.30 discussion
h. 16.00 break
h. 16.30 Gianni Paganini (UniversitĂ del Piemonte Orientale)
Emilie du Châtelet and the Epistemology of the French Enlightenment
h. 17.00 Jacqueline Taylor (University of San Francisco)
Catharine Macaulay and Her Philosophy of Education
h. 17.30 discussion
h. 18.00 conclusion
h. 20.00 dinner